Jann Reuter was born in Sinsheim in 1990 and finished his Bachelor's degree in musicology and music informatics in the summer of 2014 at the Karlsruhe University of Music, where he's now pursuing a Master's degree in music informatics since 2019. In his Bachelor studies he was employed by the Karlsruhe University of Music as a Junior Research Assistant at the Max-Reger-Institut where his main fields of work were library and archival duties. As of his Master studies he is now back as a Research Assistant. His main interest lay in Systematic Musicology (Sociology and psychology of Music Sociology, Music businesses) which extended over time to interdisciplinary mediation of music with the main emphasis on audiovisual coupling and design. This was already implied at the end of his studies as he edited a script for a radio play on the biography of Max Reger as his Bachelor's thesis. He was Senior Managing Assistant at events like the 5th and 6th European Chamber Music Competition Karlsruhe, the 2012 International Conference on Reger's Organ Music and other events organised by the Max-Reger-Institut.